EDUCATIONAL BLOGS – Epic Heart And Vascular

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How Long Do Stents Last? Types of Stents and their Longevity

Jul 15, 2021

Contemporary medicine has made stunning clinical advancements in the development of heart surgery. One of these developments is the modern stent, a medical marvel that allows for continued blood flow through arteries or veins. The stent alleviates the blockage in a plaque-obstructed blood vessel. But you may be wondering, how long do stents last? It’s […]

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When Should You See A Cardiologist?: Epic Heart And Vascular Center

Jun 30, 2021

It’s an important question to ask, and it could make the difference between maintaining good heart health and needing extra round-the-clock care. Additionally, seeing as there’s a lot of information surrounding when to see a cardiologist, you might be finding yourself a bit confused at times. After all, could what you’re experiencing be a symptom […]

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Three Cardiovascular Diseases That Mainly Affect The Elderly

Jun 15, 2021

As you get older, it becomes crucial to pay attention to your cardiovascular health. There’s a wide range of cardiovascular diseases that become more common as you age, and that’s why you should take further steps to protect yourself as soon as you can. To give you an idea of a few common problems experienced […]

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6 Easy Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Apr 30, 2021

High blood pressure often has no symptoms but is one of the most significant risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Blood pressure is determined by how your heart pumps your blood. If you have narrowed arteries, your blood pressure rises because it has to work harder to keep the blood moving. The good news […]

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5 Surprising Symptoms of Arrhythmia & When to See a Specialist

Apr 15, 2021

Arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat. It doesn’t always mean there’s something wrong with your heart. You might not even know you have arrhythmia until you see a doctor for something else. Even though not everyone has symptoms of arrhythmia, when they do, they might not recognize them. Here’s what you should watch for and when […]

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10 Signs of Peripheral Artery Disease: What to Look For

Mar 30, 2021

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) and coronary artery disease are both caused by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the process of arteries narrowing and becoming blocked over time by plaque. When the arteries of the heart are affected then it leads to coronary artery disease but any arteries are susceptible to plaque buildup. Peripheral arteries are those away […]

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High Blood Pressure Risk Factors: Here’s What You Can Change

Mar 15, 2021

There are many high blood pressure risk factors and some of them you have no control over, like family history, race, gender, and age. There are many lifestyle factors, however, that also put you at risk. Making changes may help you reduce your chances of developing hypertension as you age. Activity Level The CDC recommends […]

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Heart failure guidelines

Feb 28, 2021

Our heart starts pumping even before we are born. It is one of the essential organs of our body, and life depends on it. The heart pumps blood and oxygen to other parts of the body; however, if it fails body stops functioning, leading to stroke, attack, and heart failure. The article will describe heart […]

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I can feel my heart beating in my chest when lying down.

Feb 15, 2021

Pain in the heart is a serious condition most of the time, and one shouldn’t ignore it. People complain that I can feel my heart beating in my chest when lying down. Is this normal or a warning sign our body is giving? It is commonly a sign of heart palpitation in which a strong […]

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Stroke vs. Heart attack; what is the difference

Jan 30, 2021

Both stroke and heart attack are life-threatening and occur suddenly. Hence, they require immediate treatment for survival. Moreover, despite being lethal, the symptoms vary in both. So to know about the differences between stroke vs. Heart attack, let us look at both in-depth and see how we can save the life of our loved one. […]

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