Chest Pain

Why Do I Have Pain Between Shoulder Blades and Chest?

Dec 15, 2021

There are many reasons because of which you experience pain between shoulder blades – upper back and chest together. The causes range from heart issues to other body parts like the digestive system. Some of the reasons might not require emergency care. However, you should seek help if the pain occurs suddenly and does not […]

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What Is A Right Sided Heart Failure?

Aug 30, 2021

If you have a right sided heart failure, there is a problem with your left ventricle. A right sided heart failure is also known as pulmonary heart disease, in which the right side of the heart fails to effectively pump the blood to the lungs. Right sided heart failure results from issues with the left […]

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Why do I have chest pain and headache at the same time?

Jan 14, 2021

We often hear of the instant death of people due to a heart attack. There have been numerous cases when the person was healthy in the morning and left for work; however, he collapsed down after a few hours. Chest pain is an alarming sign; if you have it, get a checkup. It is also […]

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