EDUCATIONAL BLOGS – Epic Heart And Vascular
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When Should You Be Worried About An Irregular Heartbeat?
The idea of your heart skipping a beat is typically associated with a romantic notion. But what steps should you take when your heartbeat starts rising, continuously thundering offbeat? A racing heart isn’t exactly uncommon. However, it is a little concerning. That, too, if you keep experiencing it frequently. So, when exactly should you be […]
4 Eye Symptoms That Could Mean High Cholesterol
High cholesterol is a serious health issue that affects many people worldwide. It can be caused by excessive consumption of unhealthy foods, leading to the buildup of lipids or fats in the bloodstream. Too much fat in your blood leads to high cholesterol levels and can damage arteries and lead to heart attack, stroke, or […]
SVC syndrome – Causes and Treatments
The superior vena cava is the major or biggest vein in the upper body region. Its main purpose is to carry the blood from the head, chest, neck, and arms toward the heart. A superior vena cava syndrome or SVC syndrome is a collection of symptoms that show up when this vein is blocked or […]
Low Dose Aspirin – Effective for high Blood Pressure or Causes Heart Attack?
High blood pressure is one of the most common health issues that Americans suffer from. One of the most common therapies that cardiologists offer is the use of aspirin therapy, but does it lower blood pressure? Some people have this belief that low-dose aspirin can cause heart attack, while others think the right dose can […]
Cardioversion vs Defibrillation – What is The Difference?
Cardioversion vs defibrillation both has the same endpoint, i.e., to deliver electrical energy towards the heart to shock it momentarily, allowing a normal sinus rhythm to kick in. This is made possible via the heart’s natural pacemaker, also known as the sinoatrial node. Defibrillation Vs Cardioversion Let’s have a look at defibrillation in detail first. […]
15 Foods to Avoid For People With High Blood Pressure
Getting diagnosed with high blood pressure is nothing short of a nightmare. Plus, since there is no cure for it, you’re stuck with it for the rest of your life. In a single day, your blood flows through various pulse points as its pressure goes through multiple ups and downs. Although it might sound terrifying […]
Defibrillators vs Pacemakers – Differences Explained
Both devices, a defibrillator and a pacemaker are used to treat ailments related to the cardiovascular system or the heart. To be more precise, they are techniques that help in the treatment of arrhythmias. Although the focal point of use is the same, yet they function on different mechanisms of action. Let’s have a closer […]
Why Does One Need An Echo Stress Test?
Many systems in your body keep it going, one of which is the cardiovascular system. If any structure of this whole framework goes dysfunctional, then the entire framework collapses. Your heart is one of the fundamental parts that must be in order at all times. And for that, checking on it is necessary. An echo […]
All You Need to Know About Diastolic Heart Failure
Diastolic heart failure is a condition where the heart has to work harder than its capacity to maintain normal blood pressure. This condition is also known as “heart failure.” The left ventricle enlarges and is unable to transmit blood at its natural rate; therefore, there is not sufficient blood to meet the body’s needs Diastolic […]
Why Does Your Chest Pain While Swallowing? 5 Reasons Explained
Swallowing is a natural phenomenon that takes over after chewing the food to get it inside the mouth. Anatomically the tongue, throat, pharynx and larynx, along with all the oral cavity muscles, take part in this. The mush of food straight goes from the mouth to the esophagus. Sometimes, you may feel pain in the […]