EDUCATIONAL BLOGS – Epic Heart And Vascular

Disclaimer – Use At Your Own Risk: The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as advice for any individual case or situation. We will not be liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of the information from these blogs. All blogs are meant to be educational. We advise always consulting with a professional before attempting anything written in a blog. We can not guarantee all of the services that we write about in our blogs. Any attempt to perform anything written in a blog can result in serious injury or fatality without expert guidance and oversight.

Why Do I Have Pain Between Shoulder Blades and Chest?

Dec 15, 2021

There are many reasons because of which you experience pain between shoulder blades – upper back and chest together. The causes range from heart issues to other body parts like the digestive system. Some of the reasons might not require emergency care. However, you should seek help if the pain occurs suddenly and does not […]

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Why Do I Have Heart Palpitations After Eating My Meals?

Nov 30, 2021

Heart flutters are not always magical. A heart beating too fast or skipping a beat in medical terms is known as palpitation. Heart palpitations are noticeable in the chest, neck, or even the throat. They are common, usually not harmful, and resolve easily on their own. Many reasons are linked to heart palpitations, anxiety, stress, […]

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Does Crease In Earlobe Mean I Have A Heart Disease?

Nov 15, 2021

Our heart and head are connected to each other, and most times, heart diseases are indicated by the change in physical appearance of organs. One such change is the development of a crease in the earlobe. You might be wondering, what does crease in the earlobe have to do with heart disease? Read on to […]

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How Do I Get My Arteries Unclogged?

Oct 30, 2021

Youth is the time in which our bodies and health are usually in an optimal state. We are reckless with the food options and tend to eat everything, healthy or unhealthy. Our practices do not hurt us then but show their effect later on in life. One such issue is the deposition of fat and […]

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What Can The Area Of Your Headache Mean? Let’s Find Out

Oct 15, 2021

The location of your headache can help find the meaning behind the head pain and help determine the possible treatment. Here are some common types of headaches. Headache affecting your whole head This is a common indication of tension headache. You may feel tightness around your head, and the pain can travel down to your […]

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What’s The Difference Between a Blood Clot or a Bruise

Sep 30, 2021

While a blood clot and a bruise both affect the blood vessels, they are significantly different. Bruises are prominent marks on the skin that vanish over time. Blood clots are a build-up of blood deep inside the tissue or within blood vessels. Differentiating the causes of a bruise and blood clot Causes of bruises Bruises […]

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What Is Palpitation? Causes and Treatment

Sep 15, 2021

Do you feel that your heart skips a beat? It could be nothing more than a rush of emotions, or it may indicate a health issue. Don’t worry; this article will guide you, whether your heart needs medical attention or just attention. Scientifically, skipping a heartbeat is referred to as “palpitation.” Let’s discuss what palpitation […]

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What Is A Right Sided Heart Failure?

Aug 30, 2021

If you have a right sided heart failure, there is a problem with your left ventricle. A right sided heart failure is also known as pulmonary heart disease, in which the right side of the heart fails to effectively pump the blood to the lungs. Right sided heart failure results from issues with the left […]

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Causes of neck pain on the left side

Aug 15, 2021

Temporary neck pain is a common occurrence among many individuals, and it can happen due to everyday tasks and exercises. Neck pain is also considered among the most common chronic pains. If you’re experiencing neck pain on the left side, it can occur because of muscle strain due to sleeping in an abnormal position or […]

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How to Lower Diastolic Blood Pressure | 5 Best Strategies

Jul 30, 2021

We often get asked, “How to lower diastolic blood pressure?” You can apply various strategies to lower your overall blood pressure, including blood pressure medications and lifestyle changes. However, you can’t target diastolic blood pressure alone if you have high diastolic hypertension. In that case, you need to work closely with your cardiologist to reduce […]

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