EDUCATIONAL BLOGS – Epic Heart And Vascular
Disclaimer – Use At Your Own Risk: The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as advice for any individual case or situation. We will not be liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of the information from these blogs. All blogs are meant to be educational. We advise always consulting with a professional before attempting anything written in a blog. We can not guarantee all of the services that we write about in our blogs. Any attempt to perform anything written in a blog can result in serious injury or fatality without expert guidance and oversight.
Foods To Eat For High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure or Hypertension should be taken seriously as it can lead to heart diseases such as heart stroke and kidney disease. Your blood pressure is also an essential indicator of your overall health as the heart is the leading supplier of blood and in this case, if the flow of blood pressure remains […]
Heart Attack vs. Heartburn: Here’s How To Tell Them Apart
You’ve just satisfied your inner cravings with a big meal and feel a weird burning sensation in your chest. It can probably be a heartburn, but there is a minimal risk that it may indicate something more severe. The thing is that heart attack and heartburn symptoms feel very alike, and it can be difficult […]
Smart Food Choices to Keep Your Cholesterol Levels in Check
Maintaining health cholesterol levels is really crucial to sustain a healthy heart health. The condition is completely manageable with a few life style changes you can incorporate in your everyday routine. Regular exercise, healthy dietary choices, maintaining healthy weight, day-to-day monitoring of cholesterol levels and adhering to medical prescriptions (if any) are some of the […]
Can Pacemakers Save You From Having A Heart Attack?
Don’t fall prey to the myth that a pacemaker can shield you from heart attacks! These incredible devices work wonders by keeping your heart rhythm in check and maintaining a steady flow; however, they do not grant invincibility. So, keep an eye out for the telltale signs of a heart attack with a pacemaker inside […]
Finding It Hard To Sleep After Your Open Heart Surgery? Try These 5 Positions
Getting a good night’s sleep after open-heart surgery is crucial for your recovery and overall well-being. However, finding the right position to sleep in is challenging after such an intense, invasive procedure. In this blog, we have detailed 5 ways to rest up soundless all night. How to Sleep Right After Your Open Heart Surgery […]
Life After a Mini Stroke – Everything You Need to Know
You may have heard about a stroke, but what is a “mini stroke?” It is a condition known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA). In this condition, there is a temporary obstruction of blood flow to a part of your brain, spinal cord, or retina. The good news is mini strokes don’t cause permanent damage. […]
Living With Blocked Arteries – How Much Time DO You Have?
Have you just found out about your blocked arteries and want to know how long you can live with them? Unfortunately, there is no set time for an individual’s lifespan with coronary artery calcification. However, you can prevent your arteries from being blocked and reverse them with lifestyle changes and medical treatment if it has […]
Blood Pressure and Fatigue – The Relationship
Waking up after a seemingly good night’s sleep, only to find yourself in a never-ending battle with exhaustion. The drop in energy levels leaves you yearning for a quick fix nap all the time. What could be the culprit behind this? Is high blood pressure to be blamed for being tired all the time? Let’s […]
Pain Under Left Breast – 10 Reasons Why This Is Happening
Are you concerned about the sharp pain under your left breast that comes and goes in the form of episodes? Well, it is definitely not something you can let be. The area in question houses vital organs such as your heart, liver, lungs, etc.; therefore, contact your healthcare expert as soon as possible under any […]
9 Things You Can’t Do With A Pacemaker
Do you have a device that helps your heart tick all day? Well, it is good that a little piece of a shocker (your pacemaker) is doing the work for your heart. But with all the goodness, there are some things you can’t do with a pacemaker inside; for example, strenuous exercise, machinery, and magnets […]