Medical Observer Testimonials

Dr. Basir Afzaal Gill

Sep 1, 2023

I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for Dr. Usman Khan, the interventional cardiologist at Epic Heart and Vascular Center Houston, Texas. I was lucky enough to have him mentor me over a period of four weeks. As a young aspiring doctor who came to the US for observer-ships, I arrived with […]

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Ali Bahaa Eldeen Zaki Hassan Assaker

Aug 31, 2023

I had the incredible opportunity to complete my clinical rotation under the guidance of Dr. Usman Khan. This experience marked my introduction to the intricate US healthcare system, and I couldn’t have asked for a more supportive and knowledgeable mentor than Dr. Khan. From day one, Dr. Khan exhibited unwavering patience and dedication to my […]

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Moiz Shah

Aug 31, 2023

I recently had the pleasure of undertaking a one-month clinical rotation with Dr. Usman Khan. From the very first week it was clear that Dr. Khan is an esteemed interventional cardiologist who is well respected by his colleagues and patients. He was very considerate and ensured I had a broad range of experiences. At Epic […]

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Bipin Subedi

Aug 31, 2023

I am grateful that the clinical hands on experience has boosted my knowledge and skills. We had the opportunity to get acquainted to the cutting edge technology in the healthcare system. I was very eager to learn them all. Besides, taking patient history and updating the electronic medical records, we were exposed to the diagnostic […]

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Waqas Ahmad

Aug 28, 2023

I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in a 4-week rotation alongside Dr. Usman Khan at Epic Heart and Vascular Center. Dr. Khan stands out as an exceptional interventional cardiologist and serves as an excellent mentor. Dr. Khan actively assists every extern, particularly IMGs, in becoming familiar with patient interactions, the hospital’s operational dynamics, electronic […]

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